Sustainability Supervisor Training Scholarship Application

With funding from Netflix and Major Government Partners Screen Australia, SSA has developed first of its kind Sustainability Supervisor training for the Australian screen industry.

March 5, 2025

Sustainability Supervisor Training Scholarship Application

With funding from Netflix and Major Government Partners Screen Australia, SSA has developed first of its kind Sustainability Supervisor training for the Australian screen industry.

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Six participants from across Australia will be selected to participate in the pilot training, coming to the program with solid experience of the screen industry. The program, which will run from April - August 2025, is a funded* scholarship with no charge to participants. 

Program includes:

  • Two in person retreats 4th-6th April and 22nd-23rd August. 
  • Six online evening classes.
  • An (approximately) eight week paid in-role placement.

* Funding for this program includes return flights, accommodation, some catering for the retreats as well as the full program. Three weeks of paid placements per participant has been secured through Screen Australia, with several state / territory agencies committing to additional placement funding for a participant in their state or territory.

What is a Sustainability Supervisor?

Sustainability Supervisors sit at Head of Department (HOD) level which ensures this relatively new role has the best chance of industry impact. The Sustainability Supervisor reports to the Unit Production Manager or Line Producer and sits alongside other heads of department. It’s a multifaceted, hands-on role working across all levels and areas of production. Responsibilities are dependent on the scale of a production, and might include:

  • Working alongside development teams and/or producers to create an environmental strategy, policies or action plans for a production
  • Collaborating with HODs to support and empower them to implement environmental practices within their teams 
  • Researching and engaging environmentally sustainable suppliers and solutions for all departments
  • Educating and engaging crew through gamification, competition and celebration to support and normalise sustainable practices 
  • Collecting and collating data and information to report on carbon emissions 
  • Recruiting additional support staff as a production scales up or down, including coordinators, waste systems assistants, bin wranglers or an emissions reduction officer

Who we’re looking for

Participants selected for the program will be from across Australia, coming to the program with solid experience of the industry. There will be a detailed application process, as we are looking for participants with a combination of the following experience, knowledge and qualities:


  • Prior experience as an HOD, supervisor or 5+ years of coordination experience in the screen industry. 
  • A strong, consistent and positive attitude. 
  • Availability to attend the program in full, including two weekend in-person retreats, weekly online workshops and in-role placements: 
    • In person retreats; 4th-6th April, 22nd-23rd August.
    • Weekly online workshops (7pm -9pm AEST); 8th April, 15th April, 29th April, 6th May, 13th May, 20th May.
    • In person placement (dates tbc) 26th May - 11th July.

In addition, our cohort will have a combination of the following qualities, skills and experience 

  • A qualification and/or equivalent professional experience in environmental and/or sustainability studies and understanding of global environmental issues and solutions.
  • Experience developing policies, strategies and facilitating cultural shifts.
  • Effective verbal and written communication skills.
  • High level of initiative and ability to work independently.
  • Practical and collaborative problem solving skills.
  • Critical thinking and research skills.
  • Interest in national and international policies, sharing local and international screen sector learnings and best practice.
  • Financial literacy and interest or experience in data collection and reporting. 

Through our co-design workshops we heard the need for more people on the ground doing this work. As such, we will preference applicants who have not previously completed sustainability supervisor/manager/coordinator training specifically for the screen industry. If you have completed training of this kind and found that it did not meet your needs, you are most welcome to apply. Just let us know in your application.

What You’ll Learn

  • First Nations Perspectives
  • Fundamentals of the Role 
  • Climate Change & Biodiversity 
  • Systems Thinking & Solutions
  • Politics, People & the Philosophy of Habit Change
  • Communications & Engagement 
  • Advocating for the Work & Yourself
  • The Power of Data & the albert Toolkit
  • Waste as a Resource

More to be Announced

How to apply

To apply, please click the link below and fill out our Google Form

Applications will be open until 9th March 23:59 AEDT. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an online interview on or before 12th March.

Want More Information?

To learn more about the program, download our program prospectus

Attend our webinars

We will be hosting two information webinars on 5th and 6th March. If you have any questions about the program or role, please sign up via our events page or email