The Green Handshake - Explainer Guide
Check out this How-To explainer on signing up and using the Green Handshake

Why commit to the Green Handshake?
Our environment is under strain, and it’s no secret that our screen industry is contributing to that. From the pollution and waste we cause, to the energy use and travel required for every production. The good news? We have enormous power to change that!
With so many eyes on what we are doing, both behind the scenes and on-screen, our industry has a big part to play in greening its operations. And remember, you don’t have to be a major star or Head Of Department to sign on to the Green Handshake! The Green Handshake is simply a framework of green actions that all cast and crew can commit to when signing on to a production.
Have an agent? We got you! Check out our 'How To Talk To Your Agent' explainer here. It includes some helpful tips, plus an email template you can use to get the conversation flowing.
And don't forget to take a look at our How-To Guide below, which includes The Green Handshake impactful actions list. See what resonates most with you!